Plastic Moulding

DSW is a leading provider of custom plastic injection molding solutions, catering to a diverse range of industries including packaging, consumer goods, automotive, appliances, and more
Export to(Country):USA
Tool Description: Plastic injection moulding
Material Type: ABS
Weight of Plastic Product:301g/pcs
Mold Design by: DSW
Mould Construction: Standard
Mould Base: LKM
Cav.Material: NAK 80
Core Material:2738
Side Action: Mechanical Slide
Ejection: EJ pins
Mould Life:500,000
Molded Part Inspection By: Moulder

Plastic Moulding Solution Provider

Custom plastic injection molding for packaging, consumer industrial, automotive, and appliance industries.
Established in 2000, DSW is a professional precision mold manufacturing and plastic molding processing factory intended to be an industry leader in custom plastic injection molding.

Our market expertise extends across several verticals: Industrial, Medical, Electronics, Defense, Transportation, and Consumer products.

Project Specification

Export to(Country) ITALY
Tool Description Plastic Injection Mould
Material Type ABS
Cavitation 1
Weight of Plastic Product 301g/pcs
Mold Design by DSW
Mould Construction Standard
Mould Base LKM
Cav.Material NAK 80
Core Material 2738
Side Action Mechanical Slide
Ejection EJ pins
Mold Life 500,000
Molded Part Inspection By Moulder

plastic moulding manufacturer

Expert & Advantage

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to support your entire plastic molding project, from initial concept to production:
Mold Design and Manufacturing: Our team of experienced engineers utilizes cutting-edge technology to design and manufacture high-quality plastic injection molds tailored to your requirements.
Custom Molding Solutions: DSW specializes in various advanced molding techniques, including thin-wall molding, tight-tolerance molding, and part joining/assembly.
Extensive Market Experience: We possess in-depth knowledge across various industries, allowing us to deliver optimal solutions for industrial, medical, electronics, defense, transportation, and consumer product applications.

plastic injection moulding

plastic injection moulding

DSW can assist with providing you with the appropriate tooling for your specific project needs, both domestically and internationally.
Our manufacturing plants are certified ISO 9001:2015, enabling them to adapt their capacity according to customer demands quickly. We ensure high-quality standards are maintained through advanced technology, well-defined procedures, rigorous quality controls, hands-on management, ongoing training, and a team of experienced professionals whose sole aim is achieving excellence in everything we do.